The footer component in Fill My Cycle contains the information about the developer and maintainer of the website. Along with this, we also have our organization's logo.
Here's How we implemented the code:-
<hr class="footer-line">
<div class="text-center">
Designed & Developed by: Sagar Pathare (TCET 2015-2019)<br>
Packaged and Maintained by: Gaurang Vishwakarma (TCET 2019-2023)<br>
<img src="./assets/images/tos-logo.png" alt="TCET Open Source Logo">
Here's a breakdown explanation of the Footer component:
The footer line was defined to create a different footer section on our website.
The details regarding the Developer and Maintainer were intergarted in the next container.
In the same container, we also centered our organization's logo.
After performing the above steps, our footer looks like this:

Fill My Cycle Application Is Now Aslo Available On Google Play Store!! You can download it here! Click here
After successfully implementing the Footer component of the Fill My Cycle website, we are ready with ouR frontend part of the website and next we will see about how the the Mathematical Logic and functions was used to calculate the performance parameters in our website